Sunday, 31 August 2008

the sandwich generation

The sandwich generation refers to young couples who feel a strong obligation and responsibility to take care of their ailing parents and who also have their own children to take care of at the same time. It can sometimes be a struggle - both emotionally and physically. For people whose parents have dementia, some have described it as parenting two different sets of 'children' because people with dementia may exhibit behaviour that is inappropriate and difficult. 

To get a glimpse of what I am trying to describe, watch this video.

A recent study revealed that for older people, deterioration of cognitive or thinking skills can occur even without dementia. Mental functions may slow down but there are ways to prevent it. Our brains are plastic; this means that its structure and function can be modified or altered depending on how and how often we use its parts. 

In a nutshell: Use it or lose it. 

If we exercise and stimulate our brains constantly through social contact, conversations, reading, thinking, reflecting and combine that with physical exercise of our bodies, we CAN slow down the effects of this cognitive deterioration. Apparently, even doing Sudoku or word puzzles also constitute as exercise for the brain. Brain gym anyone?

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